
If you want to feel more confident in public, this post is for you! I want to share the benefits of a support group for people with a cleft lip or palate.

This support system makes it simple to feel more confident in public by giving you a community of people to talk to and get different perspectives on a similar problem.

Everyone should definitely have a support system because it helps to be around other people with that same problem and see that you are not alone. Your community will help you find solutions to problems you never thought of.

It also builds up your circle of friends and connections so you can start moving around in the world with confidence. As you build confidence, the entire world opens up for you. And best of all, it’s free!

Here’s how a support group makes life easier for you…

First, you don’t have to go looking for somebody to talk to when a problem comes up, you already have them around you.

Second, it gives you a resource if other problems pop up around your cleft lip and palate. Everything from medical problems to life problems. You can use their experiences to help you work through all aspects of life.

Here’s your action plan to make a support group part of your cleft lip and palate experience:

  1. Search for groups on the internet and in your local area.
  2. Contact an organizer to find out what the group does and how the group works.
  3. Go the group and introduce yourself — get the ball rolling!

Best of all, it costs nothing to try!


You can access a support group for people with a visual difference for yourself on Facebook, at a hospital, or with private organizations.

By the way, if you liked this article, you’ll LOVE this Meaty free chapter of my book. It’s titled “Blue Sky Morning” and you can grab your free copy here: