
Are you a Label Breaker? Label Breakers have clarity in who they are and what they do.

Do you want clarity?

I want to share an example of what clarity does for a person and how you know they have it.

Once You Know Who You Are, You Become That Person

In 1947 (Queen) Elizabeth gave her 21st birthday speech. Elizabeth didn’t know what life would bring her, but she knew who she would become. And when she delivered her 21st birthday speech, she became that person. That’s one of reason this speech is so famous – the clarity and commitment in her voice. Even at 21, Elizabeth was already embodying her future role as Queen.

Elizabeth wasn’t born to be queen. The abdication of Edward VIII put her 2nd in line for the thrown. Yet, she accepted the role which is evident from the way she speaks in her 21st birthday speech. Not just in the words she uses, but in the way she says it.

This example is critical to your success because Elizabeth sets an example of what it looks like taking ownership of a role. Whether or not you like her, she has always taken it seriously and embodies the role. There’s never a time when you question who she is, and what her goal is – it’s to be the Queen. She may not always do it right, but she always does it to her best ability because of the clarity she has about who she is.

Bottom line?

Do you know who you are?
Do you know what you stand for?
Do you want to?

Oh, one more thing. This article is just the tip of the iceberg on embracing your scars! This coaching program “Label Breakers” gives you the rest of the story and a whole lot more. Grab it here: